Appendix A
Governance and Finances
ICI is a 501(c)(6) organization that represents regulated investment companies on regulatory, legislative, and securities industry initiatives that affect funds and their shareholders. ICI members include mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, closed-end funds, and sponsors of unit investment trusts in the United States; similar funds offered to investors in jurisdictions worldwide; and their investment advisers and principal underwriters.
The Institute employs a staff of approximately 180. The ICI president and staff report to the Institute’s Board of Governors, which is responsible for overseeing the business affairs of ICI and determining the Institute’s positions on public policy matters.
ICI’s Board of Governors is composed of 57 members, representing ICI member companies and independent directors of investment companies. Governors are elected annually to staggered three-year terms. The Board is geographically diverse and includes representatives from large and small fund families, as well as fund groups sponsored by independent asset managers, broker-dealers, banks, and insurance companies. This broad-based representation helps to ensure that the Institute’s policy deliberations consider all segments of the fund industry and all investment company shareholders.
Five committees assist the Board of Governors with various aspects of the Institute’s affairs. These include an Executive Committee—responsible for evaluating policy alternatives and various business matters and making recommendations to the Board of Governors—as well as Audit, Compensation, Investment, and Nominating committees. Other than the Institute’s president, who is a member of the Executive Committee, all members of these committees are governors. The Board also has appointed the Chairman’s Council to administer the Institute’s political programs, including the political action committee, ICI PAC. The council includes 11 governors, the treasurer of ICI PAC, and the Institute’s president (ex officio).
To provide strategic direction to ICI’s international program, the ICI Global Policy Council takes the lead in setting the program’s priorities and coordinating initiatives worldwide, subject to the Executive Committee’s review and approval.
ICI addresses the needs of investment company independent directors through the Independent Directors Council (IDC). IDC organizes educational programs, keeps directors informed of industry and regulatory developments, assists in the development and communication of policy positions on key issues for fund boards, and promotes greater understanding of the role of fund directors. IDC’s Governing Council, made up of four committees, helps set IDC’s priorities in these areas.
Twenty-five standing committees, bringing together more than 2,400 industry professionals, guide the Institute’s policy work. ICI standing committees perform a number of important roles, including assisting with formulation of policy positions, and gathering and disseminating information on industry practices. In addition, 56 industry advisory committees, task forces, forums, and working groups with more than 4,000 participants tackle a range of regulatory, operations, and business issues. In all its activities, ICI strictly observes federal and state antitrust laws, in accordance with a long-standing and well-established compliance policy and program.
Throughout its history, the Institute has sought to prudently manage its financial affairs in a manner deemed appropriate by the Board of Governors, which is responsible for approving ICI’s annual budget and its member net dues rate. The Board of Governors considers both the Institute’s core and self-funded activities when approving the annual net dues rate.
Core activities are related to public policy and include regulatory, legislative, operational, economic research, and public communication initiatives in support of investment companies and their shareholders, directors, and advisers. Reflecting the Institute’s strategic focus on issues affecting investment companies, the Board of Governors has chosen to fund core activities with dues rather than seeking alternative sources of revenues, such as sales of publications, and strives to keep the level of dues relatively flat when compared to industry assets under management (see Figure 1). The significant majority of ICI’s total revenues in FY 2020, 99 percent, comes from dues, investment income, royalties, and miscellaneous program sources. Similarly, by design, 99 percent of the Institute’s total resources in FY 2020 are devoted to core activities (see Figure 2).
Core expenses support the wide range of initiatives described in this report. Self-funded activities (e.g., conferences, special surveys) are supported by separate fees paid by companies and individuals who participate in these activities. The financial goal for self-funded activities is that fees should cover all direct out-of-pocket costs and provide a margin to cover associated staff costs, to ensure that these activities are not subsidized by member dues. In FY 2020, two major ICI conferences were cancelled due to the pandemic, which resulted in a significant decline from the previous fiscal year in self-funded revenue and expenses.
Member Dues Relative to Assets Under Management Have Declined
Basis points

Member Dues Support Significant Majority of Core Activities at ICI

Investment Company Institute
Unaudited Financial Statements
Statement of Financial Position AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 |
Assets | |
Cash and cash equivalents | $1,211,785 |
Investments, at market value | 72,412,703 |
Accounts receivable | 1,138,115 |
Prepaid expenses | 2,753,433 |
Other assets | 3,639,145 |
Furniture, equipment, and leasehold improvements, net (less accumulated depreciation of $15,005,937) |
3,500,510 |
Total assets | $84,655,691 |
Liabilities and Net Assets | |
Liabilities | |
Payroll and related charges accrued and withheld |
9,059,044 |
Accrued pension liability | 9,731,410 |
Accrued postretirement liability | 15,389,637 |
Accounts payable and accrued expenses | 2,713,833 |
Deferred revenue | 546,176 |
Rent credit | 1,616,448 |
Deferred rent | 5,352,618 |
Total liabilities | 44,409,166 |
Net Assets | |
Undesignated net assets | 39,246,525 |
Board designated net assets | 1,000,000 |
Total net assets | 40,246,525 |
Total liabilities and net assets | $84,655,691 |
These financial statements are preliminary unaudited statements as of September 30, 2020. Audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2020, will be available after February 1, 2021. To receive copies of the audited statements, please contact Mark Delcoco at |
Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 |
Core Income | |
Membership dues | $66,705,994 |
Investment income | 1,682,280 |
Royalty income | 777,018 |
Program income | 1,415,367 |
Total core income | 70,580,659 |
Core Expenses | |
Administrative expenses | 69,920,349 |
Program expenses | 6,450,398 |
Depreciation and taxes | 2,360,867 |
Total core expenses | 78,731,614 |
Change in net assets—core | (8,150,955) |
Self-Funded Income | |
Conferences | 410,458 |
Other self-funded income | 659,274 |
Total self-funded income | 1,069,732 |
Self-Funded Expenses | |
Conferences | 664,771 |
Other self-funded expenses | 264,535 |
Total self-funded expenses | 929,306 |
Change in net assets—self-funded | 140,426 |
Change in net assets from operations | (8,010,529) |
Loss on currency conversion | (31,864) |
Actuarial pension plan gain | 7,729,489 |
Actuarial postretirement plan loss | (1,060,968) |
Change in net assets | (1,373,872) |
Net assets, beginning of year | 41,620,397 |
Net assets, end of year | $40,246,525 |

Appendix B
ICI Staff Leadership and Management
Executive Office
Paul Schott Stevens 1, 2, 6
President and CEO
Donald C. Auerbach 3
Chief Operating Officer
Government Affairs
Dean R. Sackett III
Chief Government Affairs Officer
Ashley B. Cavossa
Director, Political Affairs
Peter J. Gunas III
Government Affairs Officer, Retirement Security and Tax Policy
Kelly S. Hitchcock
Director, Financial Services
Allen C. Huffman
Government Affairs Officer, Retirement Security and Tax Policy
Kathleen L. Mellody
Senior Government Affairs Officer
Cynthia Q. Pullom
Director, Financial Services
Susan M. Olson
General Counsel
Dorothy M. Donohue
Deputy General Counsel, Securities Regulation
Sarah A. Bessin
Associate General Counsel
Kenneth C. Fang
Assistant General Counsel
Bridget D. Farrell
Assistant General Counsel
Rachel H. Graham
Associate General Counsel
Jane G. Heinrichs
Associate General Counsel
Nhan H. Nguyen
Tamara K. Salmon
Associate General Counsel
Frances M. Stadler
Associate General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
J. Matthew Thornton
Assistant General Counsel
David M. Abbey
Deputy General Counsel, Retirement Policy
Elena B. Chism
Associate General Counsel
Shannon N. Salinas 4
Assistant General Counsel
Keith D. Lawson 5
Deputy General Counsel, Tax Law
Karen L. Gibian
Associate General Counsel
Katherine A. Sunderland
Assistant General Counsel
Martin A. Burns
Chief Industry Operations Officer
Linda J. Brenner
Senior Director, Account Management
Ahmed M. Elghazaly
Director, Securities Operations
Joanne M. Kane
Senior Director, Transfer Agency and Operations
Jeffrey A. Naylor
Director, Operations and Distribution
John F. Randall
Director, Operations and Distribution
Peter G. Salmon
Senior Director, Technology and Cybersecurity
Gregory M. Smith
Senior Director, Fund Accounting and Compliance
Public Communications
Mike McNamee
Chief Public Communications Officer
Matthew J. Beck
Senior Director, Media Relations
Public Communications, continued
Jeanne C. Arnold
Director, Media Relations
Garrett D. Hawkins
Director, Media Relations
Stephanie M. Ortbals-Tibbs
Director, Media Relations
Lauri M. Bearce
Senior Director, Content
Miriam E. Bridges
Director, Editorial
Christina M. Kilroy
Director, Digital Media, and Vice President,
ICI Education Foundation
Janet M. Zavistovich
Senior Director, Communications Design
Sean S. Collins
Chief Economist
Sarah A. Holden
Senior Director, Retirement and Investor Research
Peter J. Brady
Senior Economic Adviser
Jason S. Seligman
Senior Economist
Rochelle L. Antoniewicz
Senior Director, Industry and Financial Analysis
Christof W. Stahel
Senior Economist
Judith A. Steenstra
Senior Director, Statistical Research
Sheila M. McDonald
Director, Statistical Research
Vincent D. Banfi
Director, Systems Support and Operations
Ramesh Bhargava
Director, Information Technology
Paul R. Camarata
Director, Electronic Data Collection
Mark A. Delcoco
Chief Financial Officer
Patricia L. Conley
Director, Accounting
Laurie A. Cipriano
Senior Director, Conferences
Mary D. Kramer
Chief Human Resources Officer
Suzanne N. Rand
Senior Director, Human Resources
Anne S. Vandegrift
Director, Benefits
Sheila F. Moore
Director, Office Services
Michelle M. Kretsch
Senior Director, Membership Services
Brent E. Newton
Director, Subscription Programs and Membership
ICI Global
Patrice Bergé-Vincent
Managing Director, ICI Global
Alexa Lam
CEO, Asia-Pacific
Jennifer S. Choi
Chief Counsel
Anna A. Driggs
Director and Associate Chief Counsel, Global Regulation Affairs
Linda M. French
Assistant Chief Counsel, Securities Regulation
Eva M. Mykolenko
Associate Chief Counsel, Securities Regulation
Giles S. Swan
Director, Global Funds Policy
Independent Directors Council
Thomas T. Kim
Managing Director
Annette M. Capretta
Deputy Managing Director
Lisa C. Hamman
Senior Associate Counsel
1 Executive Committee of ICI’s Board of Governors
2 Chairman’s Council (ex officio)
3 Chairman’s Council and Treasurer to ICI PAC
4 Secretary to Chairman’s Council
5 Assistant Treasurer to Chairman’s Council
6 ICI Education Foundation Board
ICI’s Frances Stadler Retires After 30 Years of Service

Frances Stadler, ICI associate general counsel and corporate secretary, joined ICI’s Law Department in February 1990. In the ensuing 30 years, she worked on a wide range of securities law and ’40 Act issues, with noted work in banking law, financial stability, and the Volcker Rule.
Known for her skills as a legal analyst and writer, Frances played key roles in ICI’s response to the hardest projects. She wrote white papers on valuation, money laundering, international investing, and non–’40 Act investment restrictions. She has been instrumental for many years in planning ICI’s annual Mutual Funds and Investment Management Conference. Over 30 years, she helped shape the regulatory climate that allowed funds to develop a wave of innovations from money market funds to exchange-traded funds to target date funds. Before ICI, she was an associate at Kirkpatrick & Lockhart in Washington, DC. She graduated from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1985 and from Yale University in 1980.
“Frances combined deep mastery of the substance with a gracefulness in expression that always brought out the best possible case that we could make on behalf of the Institute and its members. From the broad sweep of strategy to the nuanced details, she could capture exactly what we needed to say.”
—Paul Schott Stevens
Appendix C
Fiscal Year 2020 Board of Governors
George C. W. Gatch 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
ICI Chairman
Chief Executive
J.P. Morgan Asset Management
William F. Truscott 2, 4, 6, 7
ICI Vice Chairman
Chief Executive
Columbia Threadneedle Investments
Vijay C. Advani 2
Executive Chairman
Kyle C. Andersen
Principal, Solutions Coaching and Training
Edward Jones
Andrew Arnott
President and CEO
John Hancock Investment Management
Kathleen Barr 1
Independent Director
Professionally Managed
Portfolios and William Blair Funds
Mortimer J. Buckley 2
Chairman and CEO
Jane K. Carten
President, Director, and Portfolio Manager
Saturna Capital
James E. Davey 1
Hartford Funds
Jonathan de St. Paer
Charles Schwab Investment Management, Inc.
Thomas R. Donahue 3
Chief Financial Officer and
Federated Hermes, Inc.
Robert G. Dorsey
Vice Chairman and Cofounder
Ultimus Fund Solutions, LLC
Kenneth C. Eich
Chief Operating Officer
Davis Selected Advisers, L.P.
Thomas E. Faust Jr. 2, 4, 6
Chairman and CEO
Eaton Vance Corp.
Martin L. Flanagan 2
President and CEO
Invesco Ltd.
David Giunta
President and CEO, US and Canada
Natixis Investment Managers
William J. Hackett 1
Chief Executive Officer
International Capital Management, LLC
Patrick Halter 1
Chief Executive Officer
Principal Global
Investors, LLC
Brent R. Harris 4, 6
Managing Director
Diana P. Herrmann
President and CEO
Aquila Investment Management LLC
Mellody Hobson 2, 6
Co-CEO and President
Ariel Investments, LLC
Cynthia Hostetler 3
Independent Director
Invesco Funds
Yie-Hsin Hung 2
Chief Executive Officer
New York Life Investment
Management LLC
Christine L. Hurtsellers
Chief Executive Officer
Voya Investment Management
Gregory E. Johnson 2
Executive Chairman
Franklin Templeton Investments
James L. Johnson Jr. 2
Chief Communications Officer and Executive Vice President, Public Affairs and Policy
Lisa M. Jones 6
Head of Americas, President and CEO of US
Pioneer Asset Management, Inc.
Robert M. Keith
Head of Global Client Group, President and CEO, AB
Marie L. Knowles
Independent Director
Fidelity Fixed Income and Asset
Allocation Funds
Susan C. Livingston 2, 6
Brown Brothers Harriman &
Shawn K. Lytle 6
Head of Macquarie Investment
Macquarie Investment Management
James A. McNamara 2, 6
Goldman Sachs Mutual Funds
Garry L. Moody
Independent Director
AB Mutual Funds
Mark D. Nerud 1, 3
President and CEO
Jackson National Asset
Management LLC
Catherine Newell 1, 6
President, Dimensional Funds
Fund Advisors LP
Barbara Novick 2
Vice Chairman
BlackRock, Inc.
David Oestreicher 1
Chief Legal Counsel
T. Rowe Price Associates,
Andrew N. Owen
President, Wells Fargo Funds
Wells Fargo
Steven J. Paggioli
Independent Director
AMG Funds and Professionally Managed
Stuart S. Parker 2, 3
President and CEO
PGIM Investments
Michael Roberge
Chief Executive Officer
MFS Investment Management
Kristi L. Rowsell
Harris Associates, L.P.
Douglas B. Sieg
Managing Partner, President, and CEO of the Lord Abbett Family of
Lord Abbett & Co., LLC
Daniel Simkowitz 1
Head of Investment Management
Morgan Stanley
Erik R. Sirri 1
Independent Director
Loomis Sayles, Natixis ETFs, and Natixis Funds
Marijn P. Smit 1
President and CEO
Transamerica Asset Management,
William W. Strickland 1
Chief Operating Officer
Dodge & Cox
Joseph A. Sullivan
Chairman and CEO
Legg Mason, Inc.
Cyrus Taraporevala
President and CEO
State Street Global Advisors
Jonathan S. Thomas
President and CEO
American Century Investments
Shundrawn A. Thomas 1
Northern Trust Asset Management
Garrett Thornburg 6
Thornburg Investment Management,
Ronald E. Toupin Jr. 1
Independent Director
Guggenheim Funds
Bradley J. Vogt 2, 4
Capital Research Company, Inc.
Dawn M. Vroegop 2, 5, 7
Independent Director
Brighthouse Funds
and Driehaus Funds
George H. Walker
Chairman and CEO
Neuberger Berman
Jonathan F. Zeschin 2
Independent Director
Matthews Asia Funds
1 Governor on sabbatical
2 Executive Committee member
3 Audit Committee member
4 Investment Committee member
5 Chair of the Independent Directors Council
6 Chairman’s Council member
7 ICI Education Foundation Board member
2020 ICI Executive Committee

From left to right: Bradley J. Vogt, Paul Schott Stevens, Mellody Hobson, Thomas E. Faust Jr., Dawn M. Vroegop, Jonathan F. Zeschin, James L. Johnson Jr., George C. W. Gatch, Mortimer J. Buckley, James A. McNamara, Stuart S. Parker, Gregory E. Johnson, Barbara Novick, Vijay C. Advani, Martin L. Flanagan, Susan C. Livingston, Yie-Hsin Hung, and William F. Truscott
Appendix D
ICI Standing Committees and Chairs
Toai Chin
Head of Fund Accounting Policy
CCO (Chief Compliance Officer)
Katherine M. Primas
Chief Compliance Officer
Dodge & Cox
Chief Information Security Officer
Mike Catlin
Senior Vice President, Head of Technology Services, and Chief
Information Security Officer
Capital Research and Management Company
Chief Risk Officer
Rhonda K. R. Cook
Chief Risk Officer
SEI Investments Management Corporation
Closed-End Investment Company
David Lamb
Managing Director, Closed-End Funds
ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds)
Adam Phillips
Chief Operating Officer
Van Eck Global
ICI Global Exchange-Traded Funds
ICI Global Information Security Officer, London
ICI Global Information Security Officer, Tokyo
ICI Global Public Communications
ICI Global Regulated Funds
ICI Global Retirement Savings
Michael Doshier
Senior Defined Contribution Strategist
T. Rowe Price
Associates, Inc.
ICI Global Tax
ICI Global Trading and Markets
Internal Audit
Jeffrey D. Coaxum
Senior Vice President
Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.
Investment Advisers
Peter G. Callahan
Senior Vice President and Head of Global Transfer Agent
AB Global
Jason Bortz
Senior Counsel and Senior Vice President
Capital Research and
Management Company
Public Communications
Lisa M. Gallegos
Senior Vice President, Corporate
Franklin Templeton Investments
Paul D. Schaeffer
IndexIQ ETF Trust
Sales and Marketing
Jeffrey O. Duckworth
President of US Intermediary Distribution
John Hancock
Investment Management
SEC Rules
Joshua D. Ratner
Executive Vice President
Small Funds
Jane K. Carten
President, Director, and Portfolio Manager
Saturna Capital
Jonathan G. Davis
Assistant Treasurer, Fidelity Funds
Fidelity Investments
Joe Boerio
Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, and Head, IM Data
Science and Fintech
Franklin Templeton Investments
Unit Investment Trust
W. Scott Jardine
General Counsel
First Trust Advisors, L.P.

Appendix E
IDC Governing Council
Dawn M. Vroegop*
IDC Chair
Independent Director
Brighthouse Funds and Driehaus Funds
Kathleen T. Barr*
IDC Vice Chair
Independent Director
Professionally Managed Portfolios and William Blair
Julie Allecta
Independent Director
Litman Gregory Masters Funds and Salient Funds
Donald C. Burke
Independent Director
Duff & Phelps Funds and Virtus Funds
Gale K. Caruso
Independent Director
Matthews Asia Funds and Pacific Life Funds
Robert J. Chersi
Independent Director
Thrivent Funds
David H. Chow
Independent Director
MainStay Funds and VanEck Vectors ETF
Sue C. Coté
Independent Director
SEI Funds
William R. Ebsworth
Independent Director
Wells Fargo Funds
Susan C. Gause
Independent Director
Brighthouse Funds and HSBC Funds
Anne M. Goggin
Independent Director
Pax World Funds
George J. Gorman
Independent Director
Eaton Vance Funds
Keith F. Hartstein
Independent Director
PGIM Funds
Cecilia H. Herbert
Independent Director
iShares Funds and Thrivent Church Loan & Income Fund
Mary Davis Holt
Independent Director
American Funds
Cynthia Hostetler*
Independent Director
Invesco Funds
Marie L. Knowles*
Independent Director
Fidelity Fixed Income and Asset Allocation Funds
Thomas P. Lemke
Independent Director
JP Morgan Exchange-Traded Fund Trust and SEI Funds
Joseph Mauriello
Independent Director
Fidelity Equity and High Income Funds
Garry L. Moody*
Independent Director
AB Mutual Funds
Joanne Pace
Independent Director
Invesco Exchange-Traded Fund Trusts
Steven J. Paggioli*
Independent Director
AMG Funds and Professionally
Managed Portfolios
Cynthia R. Plouché
Independent Director
Barings Funds and Northern Funds
Sheryl K. Pressler
Independent Director
Voya Funds
Karla M. Rabusch
Independent Director
Lord Abbett Funds
Erik R. Sirri*
Independent Director
Loomis Sayles Funds, Natixis ETFs, and Natixis Funds
Ronald E. Toupin Jr.*
Independent Director
Guggenheim Funds
Jonathan F. Zeschin*
Independent Director
Matthews Asia Funds

Appendix F
ICI Global Policy Council
James M. Norris
ICI Global Atlantic Policy Council Chairman
Managing Director, International
Clive Brown
Chief Executive Officer, International
RBC Global Asset Management
Clarke Camper
Executive Vice President, Head of Government Relations
Capital Group Companies Global
Arnaud Cosserat
Chief Executive Officer
Comgest S.A.
Gregory Dulski
General Counsel
Federated Investors (UK) LLP
Stephen Fisher
Managing Director
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
Massimo Greco
Managing Director, Head of European Fund Business
J.P. Morgan Asset Management (UK) Limited
Tjalling Halbertsma
Managing Director
Eaton Vance Management (International) Limited
Robert Higginbotham
President, Global Investment Management Services
T. Rowe Price International Ltd.
Alex Hoctor-Duncan
Head of EMEA Distribution
Aberdeen Asset Management PLC
Susan Hudson
Managing Director
UBS Asset Management (UK) Ltd.
Kathleen Hughes
Global Head of Liquidity Sales and Head of European Institutional Sales
Goldman Sachs Asset
Management International
Terry Mellish
Senior Advisor, Institutional Sales, Government Relations, Diversity and Inclusion
Investment Management UK Limited
Andrew Nicoll
Global Head of Insurance
Columbia Threadneedle Investments
Jed Plafker
Executive Vice President, Global Alliances and New Business Strategies
Franklin Templeton
Doug Sharp
Senior Managing Director and Head of EMEA
Invesco Asset Management, Ltd.
Tim Stumpff
Chief Executive Officer
Principal Global Investors (Europe) Ltd.
David J. Semaya
ICI Global Pacific Policy Council Chairman
Executive Chairman
Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset
Pedro Bastos
CEO, Hong Kong, and Regional Head, Asia Pacific
HSBC Asset Management (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Mark Browning
Head of Asia Pacific
Franklin Templeton Investments Singapore
Chen Ding
Chief Executive Officer
CSOP Asset Management Limited
Jessica Jones
Managing Director, Head of Asia ex-Japan Third Party Distribution
Goldman Sachs (Asia) LLC
Ajai Kaul
CEO, Asia ex-Japan
AllianceBernstein Singapore Ltd.
Andrew Lo
Chief Executive, Asia Pacific
Invesco Hong Kong Limited
Angus N. G. Macdonald
Executive Director
Baillie Gifford Asia (Hong Kong) Limited
Junko Nakagawa
President and CEO
Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd.
Winnie Pun
Head of APAC Public Policy
BlackRock Asset Management North Asia Limited
JungHo Rhee
Chief Executive Officer
Mirae Asset Global Investments (HK) Limited
Kimberley Stafford
Managing Director, Head of Asia Pacific
PIMCO Asia Limited
Akira Sugano
President and CEO
Asset Management One Co., Ltd.
Daniel Watkins
Chief Executive Officer, Asset Management Asia Pacific
J.P. Morgan Asset Management (Hong

Appendix G
Events and Webinars
ICI offers extensive opportunities for learning and networking by organizing conferences, seminars, and other events around the world to enable members and other stakeholders to gather, discuss the latest challenges and opportunities, and share ideas and information.
In addition to the opportunities highlighted below, ICI’s global division also holds regional chapter meetings—Atlantic and Pacific chapters—where senior business leaders from member firms offer feedback on high-priority issues and global initiatives. The Independent Directors Council also provides many opportunities for directors to come together for education and meaningful dialogue with each other—for example, in this fiscal year, IDC had approximately 35 chapter meetings and conference calls. For more information, visit
October 1, 2019 | The State of the Fund Industry 1 | Lone Tree, CO |
October 21–23, 2019 | Fund Directors Conference 2 | Chicago |
November 7, 2019 | Closed-End Fund Conference | New York |
December 3, 2019 | Securities Law Developments Conference 3 | Washington, DC |
March 2–3, 2020 | Foundations for Fund Directors® 4 | Los Angeles |
July 22, 2020 | Independent Counsel Roundtable 2 | Virtual |
September 16–17, 2020 | Foundations for Fund Directors® 4 | Virtual |
September 22, 2020 | Tax and Accounting Conference 5 | Virtual |
September 24, 2020 | Securities Law Developments Conference 3, 6 | Virtual |
- Accessing the US Fund Market: Issues and Considerations for Asian Asset Managers
- Achieving Operations Excellence: The Power of Transformation
- After the Pandemic: The Future of the Global Fund Industry
- Board Oversight of the LIBOR Transition
- Changing Workforce Dynamics
- China Capital Market Developments: What You Need to Know
- Fair Valuation Trends and Practices
- Fund Board Oversight in the Age of COVID-19
- Fund Board Oversight of Securities Lending
- Fund Governance Trends
- The Fund Industry in the Pandemic Era
- How to Prepare for the EU 909/2014 Central Securities Depository Regulation
- Navigating the New ESG Landscape: How US and EU Policy Developments Affect Fund Managers
- New Common Terminology for ESG Fund Investing Strategies
- The New ESG Landscape: How Recent Policy Developments Affect Fund Investing
- SEC Emergency Relief in Light of COVID-19: An Overview for Fund Directors
- SEC’s Fair Valuation Proposal: An Overview for Fund Directors
- Trends in Evaluating Active Management and Other Strategies
- 2019 Fall Update on BDAC and BTRAC
- Understanding Japan’s New Foreign Investment Laws
- Understanding the New Indian Regulations for Foreign Portfolio Investors
1 Cosponsored with the Denver Area 1940 Act Group.
2 Sponsored by IDC.
3 Sponsored by the ICI Education Foundation.
4 Foundations for Fund Directors® is sponsored by IDC.
5 The 2020 Tax and Accounting Conference was held virtually over three days: September 22, September 29, and October 6.
6 The 2020 Securities Law Developments Conference was held virtually over two days: September 24 and October 1.
Note: The 2020 Mutual Funds and Investment Management Conference and the 2020 General Membership Meeting were cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Appendix H
Publications and Statistical Releases
ICI is the primary source of analysis and statistical information on the investment company industry. ICI publications are available on the Institute’s website at
Industry and Financial Analysis
- Preferences and Costs Associated with Disclosure Reform Options, October 2019
- Analysis of Fund Proxy Campaigns: 2012 Through 2019, December 2019
- Trends in the Expenses and Fees of Funds, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, March 2020
- Recommendations Regarding the Availability of Closed-End Fund Takeover Defenses, March 2020
- The Closed-End Fund Market, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, May 2020
- Funds’ Use of ESG Integration and Sustainable Investing Strategies: An Introduction, July 2020
Retirement and Investor Research
- Ownership of Mutual Funds, Shareholder Sentiment, and Use of the Internet, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, October 2019
- Characteristics of Mutual Fund Investors, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, October 2019
- Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, First Half 2019, ICI Research Report, December 2019
- Profile of Mutual Fund Shareholders, 2019, ICI Research Report, December 2019
- The Role of IRAs in US Households’ Saving for Retirement, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, December 2019
- American Views on Defined Contribution Plan Saving, 2019, ICI Research Report, January 2020
- Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, First Three Quarters of 2019, ICI Research Report, February 2020
- Ten Important Facts About 401(k) Plans, March 2020
- The BrightScope/ICI Defined Contribution Plan Profile: A Close Look at ERISA 403(b) Plans, 2016, April 2020
- Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, 2019, ICI Research Report, April 2020
- What US Households Consider When They Select Mutual Funds, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, April 2020
- The Myth of Under-Annuitization: Managing Income and Assets in Retirement, April 2020
- Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, First Quarter 2020, ICI Research Report, May 2020
- Who Participates in Retirement Plans, 2017, ICI Research Perspective, May 2020
- Ten Important Facts About IRAs, May 2020
- The Economics of Providing 401(k) Plans: Services, Fees, and Expenses, 2019, ICI Research Perspective, July 2020
- The BrightScope/ICI Defined Contribution Plan Profile: A Close Look at 401(k) Plans, 2017, August 2020
- Defined Contribution Plan Participants’ Activities, First Half 2020, ICI Research Report, August 2020
- Red Flag Indicators: Warnings of Potentially Fraudulent Activity, March 2020
- Mutual Fund Share Class Conversions: A Matrix of Possibilities, May 2020
- Estimating Omnibus Account Dividend and Capital Gains Disbursements, May 2020
- Mutual Fund Transfer Agents: Trends and Billing Practices, July 2020
- Financial Intermediary Controls and Compliance Assessment Engagements, August 2020
- Consider This: Interval Fund Operational Practices, September 2020
Independent Directors Council
- Overview of Fund Governance Practices, 1994–2018, October 2019
- Directors Practices Study, August 2020
Investment Company Fact Book
ICI’s annual data and analysis resource, 2020 Investment Company Fact Book: A Review of Trends and Activities in the Investment Company Industry, provides current information and historical trends for registered investment companies, reporting on retirement assets, characteristics of mutual fund owners, use of index funds, and other trends. It is available in both PDF and HTML versions at The HTML version provides downloadable data for all charts and tables.
ICI Viewpoints
The Institute’s blog, ICI Viewpoints, features analysis and commentary from Institute experts in economics, law, fund operations, and government affairs on the key issues facing funds, their shareholders, directors, and investment advisers. ICI Viewpoints is available on the Institute’s website at
Statistical Releases
The ICI Research Department released more than 300 statistical reports in this fiscal year. The most recent ICI statistics and an archive of statistical releases are available at To subscribe to ICI’s statistical releases, visit
- Trends in Mutual Fund Investing
- Estimated Long-Term Mutual Fund Flows
- Estimated Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) Net Issuance
- Combined Estimated Long-Term Mutual Fund Flows and ETF Net Issuance
- Money Market Fund Assets
- Monthly Taxable Money Market Fund Portfolio Data
- Retirement Market Data
- Mutual Fund Distributions
- Institutional Mutual Fund Shareholder Data
- Exchange-Traded Fund Data
- Unit Investment Trust Data
- Worldwide Regulated Open-End Fund Data

Appendix I
ICI Mutual Insurance Company
ICI Mutual Insurance Company, RRG, is an independent company formed by the mutual fund industry to provide various forms of liability insurance and risk management services to mutual funds, their directors, officers, and advisers. An organization must be an ICI member to purchase insurance from ICI Mutual.